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(Added SSP kit and marked Vector as discontinued)
(→‎1lb Kits: The description read more like an advert than simple listing. I turned down the hype a couple notches)
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Many people don't have the fabrication or design experience to make a robot on their own, so starting out with a pre-designed kit is a great way to get into the sport. Check out your local events to see what weight-classes are supported. Make sure you know what is included in your kit; radios, batteries, or battery chargers are often optional items.
Many people don't have the fabrication or design experience to make a robot on their own, so starting out with a pre-designed kit is a great way to get into the sport. Check out your local events to see what weight-classes are supported. Make sure you know what is included in your kit; radios, batteries, or battery chargers are often optional items.
[[File:Viper_Kit.png|thumb|FingerTech Viper Antweight]]
[[File:Viper_Kit.png|thumb|FingerTech Viper Antweight with Flipper option]]
==150g Kits==
==150g Kits==
The '''[https://shop.bristolbotbuilders.com/product/antkit/ Bristol Bot Builders]''' kit has the parts you'll need to get started but you'll need to make your own chassis.<br />
The '''[https://shop.bristolbotbuilders.com/product/antkit/ Bristol Bot Builders]''' kit has the parts you'll need to get started but you'll need to make your own chassis.<br />
'''[https://nutsandbots.co.uk/product-category/robots/ Nuts and Bots 150g kits]''' come in three flavors, a wedge, a flipper and a grabber. These kits are underweight giving you room to add armor or to customize them.<br />
'''[https://nutsandbots.co.uk/product-category/robots/ Nuts and Bots 150g kits]''' come in three flavors, a wedge, a flipper and a grabber. These kits are underweight giving you room to add armor or to customize them.<br />
The '''[https://absolutechaosrobotics.bigcartel.com/product/spark-150g-combat-robot-kit Spark!]''' kit is an undercutting disk spinner design intended for intermediate kit builders.<br />
'''[https://turnabot.com/ Turnabot]''' has several 3D printed non-destructive robots with lifters and grabbers. The kits come as parts that you can put together yourself, or fully assembled at extra cost. '''[https://turnabot.com/?product=slipper Slipper]''', a Lifter. '''[https://turnabot.com/?product=squeezy Squeezy]''', a Horizontal Grabber. '''[https://turnabot.com/?product=santis Santis]''' and '''[https://turnabot.com/?product=slammer Slammer]''' are Lifter/grabber bots with carry and suplex attacks.<br />
'''[https://turnabot.com/ Turnabot]''' has several 3D printed non-destructive robots with lifters and grabbers. The kits come as parts that you can put together yourself or for a little more money, fully assembled. '''[https://turnabot.com/?product=slipper Slipper]''', a Lifter. '''[https://turnabot.com/?product=squeezy Squeezy]''', a Horizontal Grabber. '''[https://turnabot.com/?product=santis Santis]''' a Vertical Lifter-Grabber. '''[https://turnabot.com/?product=slammer Slammer]''', a Vertical Lifter-Grabber.<br />
==1lb Kits==
==1lb Kits==
The '''[https://www.combatrobotkits.com/product-page/antweight-horizontal-spinner-combat-robot-kit-l-battle-bot-kit Antweight Horizontal Spinner Kit by Combat Robot Kits]''' is a simple Tombstone-style kit. A good option for builders looking to upgrade to an active weapon robot at a reasonable price.<br />
The '''[https://www.combatrobotkits.com/product-page/antweight-combat-robot-starter-kit-l-build-your-own-battle-robot-kit Antweight Starter Kit by Combat Robot Kits]''' has all the working parts for an antweight combat robot; build your own chassis to go with this affordable partial kit.<br />
The '''[https://radrobotkits.com/rad-robot-store/p/baby-nautiloid-kit Baby Nautiloid]''' is a 2 wheel drive vertical spinner kit.<br />
The '''[https://radrobotkits.com/rad-robot-store/p/baby-nautiloid-kit Baby Nautiloid]''' is a 2 wheel drive vertical spinner kit.<br />
The '''[https://www.betzbotz.com/shop/p/betz-botz-ne26-1lb-antweight-combat-robot-kit  Betz Botz NE2.7]''' is durable wedge robot.<br />
The '''[https://www.betzbotz.com/shop/p/betz-botz-ne26-1lb-antweight-combat-robot-kit  Betz Botz NE2.7]''' is durable wedge robot.<br />
The '''[https://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-viper-v2 FingerTech Viper]''' is a popular starting place. The Viper kit has '''[https://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-viper-lifter-addon lifter]''' and both '''[https://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-viper-v-spinner-addon vertical spinner]''' and '''[https://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-viper-h-spinner-addon horizontal spinner]''' add-ons which make it a great expandable option for new builders.<br />
The '''[https://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-viper-v2 FingerTech Viper]''' is a popular starting place. Operate as a wedge, or use the '''[https://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-viper-lifter-addon lifter]''', '''[https://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-viper-v-spinner-addon vertical spinner]''', or '''[https://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-viper-h-spinner-addon horizontal spinner]''' add-ons which make it a great expandable option for new builders.<br />
The '''[https://www.botkits.com/collections/combat-robot-kits/products/candy_wasp-kit-package Candy Wasp]''' antweight kit from '''[https://botkits.com BotKits.com]''' isn't as flexible as the viper kit but it is super durable and more likely to survive a competition.<br />
The '''[https://www.botkits.com/products/copy-of-candy-wasp Candy Wasp]''' antweight kit from '''[https://botkits.com BotKits.com]''' isn't as flexible as the viper kit but it is super durable and more likely to survive a competition.<br />
The '''[https://www.battlerobotkit.com/product-page/battle-robot-kit-hellraiser Hellraiser]''' is a well built drum kit but is for more intermediate builders.<br />
The '''[https://www.battlerobotkit.com/product-page/battle-robot-kit-hellraiser Hellraiser]''' is a well built drum kit but is for more intermediate builders.<br />
The '''[https://www.battlerobotkit.com/product-page/battle-robot-kit-lobotomy Lobotomy]''' kit has an effective undercutter but is for intermediate builders.<br />
The '''[https://www.battlerobotkit.com/product-page/battle-robot-kit-lobotomy Lobotomy]''' kit has an effective undercutter but is for intermediate builders.<br />
The '''[https://www.etsy.com/listing/753628264/combat-robot-battlebot-starter-kit Phantom Robot]''' antweight kit is an affordable choice.<br />
The '''[https://www.etsy.com/listing/994716670/antweight-combat-robot-starter-kit?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=battle+bot+kit&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&frs=1&referrer_page_guid=f791a41bbfd.d4724153f9e2cc9c71e2.00&organic_search_click=1 Phantom Antweight Starter Kit]''' antweight kit is an affordable choice.<br />
The '''[https://kitbots.com/product.sc?productId=26&categoryId=1 Saifu]''' drum bot kit is for more advanced builders and has won many events. This is a great choice for builders who want a kit robot with a powerful weapon.<br />
The '''[https://www.etsy.com/listing/1620913259/combat-robot-kit-l-antweight-battle?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=battle+bot+kit&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&frs=1&referrer_page_guid=f791a41bbfd.d4724153f9e2cc9c71e2.00&organic_search_click=1 Phantom Horizontal Spinner Kit]''' Proven and user friendly antweight horizontal spinner kit.<br />
The '''[https://kitbots.com/shop/ols/products/saifu-antweight-robot-chassis-and-drum Saifu]''' drum bot kit is for more advanced builders and has won many events. This is a great choice for builders who want a kit robot with a powerful weapon.<br />
The '''[https://www.battlerobotkit.com/product-page/battle-robot-kit-taserface Taserface]''' kit has a powerful vertical disk and is a good choice for intermediate builders who want a weapon bot.<br />
The '''[https://www.battlerobotkit.com/product-page/battle-robot-kit-taserface Taserface]''' kit has a powerful vertical disk and is a good choice for intermediate builders who want a weapon bot.<br />
The '''[https://absolutechaosrobotics.bigcartel.com/product/shock-1lb-combat-roobot-kit Shock!]''' kit is a powerful undercutting disk spinner design for intermediate kit builders.<br />
The '''[https://www.etsy.com/listing/1153065612/4wd-antweight-combat-robot Synthwave]''' kit is a 4WD dual disk vertical spinner with a lot of style designed for intermediate kit builders.<br />
The '''[https://www.etsy.com/listing/1153065612/4wd-antweight-combat-robot Synthwave]''' kit is a 4WD dual disk vertical spinner with a lot of style designed for intermediate kit builders.<br />
==1lb Plastic Ant Kits==
==1lb Plastic Ant Kits==
These are designed for '''[[RobotClasses#Construction_Restricted_Classes|Plastic Ant class]]''' competitions. Using a 3D printer, you can print replacement parts using the files provided.<br />
These are designed for '''[[RobotClasses#Construction_Restricted_Classes|Plastic Ant class]]''' competitions. Using a 3D printer, you can print replacement parts using the files provided.
The '''[https://palmbeachbots.com/products/plastic-ant-vertical-drum-kit-dead-shaft-delight Dead Shaft Delight]''' kit is an all plastic drum spinner.<br />
The '''[https://palmbeachbots.com/products/plastic-ant-horizontal-undercutter-kit-plastic-poison Plastic Poison]''' kit is a horizontal undercutter spinner bot.<br />
The '''Palm Beach [https://palmbeachbots.com/products/plastic-ant-vertical-drum-kit-dead-shaft-delight Dead Shaft Delight]''' kit is an all plastic drum spinner.<br />
The '''[https://palmbeachbots.com/products/plastic-ant-lifter-kit-super-scooper Super Scooper]''' kit lets you build a lifter.<br />
Also available is '''[https://palmbeachbots.com/products/plastic-ant-horizontal-undercutter-kit-plastic-poison Plastic Poison]''', a horizontal undercutter spinner bot.<br />
The '''Palm Beach [https://palmbeachbots.com/products/plastic-ant-lifter-kit-super-scooper Super Scooper]''' kit lets you build a lifter.<br />
Try the '''Team Malice [https://teammalice.com/index.php/scar-plastic-antweight-electronics-kit/ SCAR Kit]''' kit offers ant-ready electronics. Join the chat community to learn more about the variety of printable bot options being developed.<br />
==3lb Kits==
==3lb Kits==
[[File:D2_Kit.jpg|thumb|D2 Beetle from BotKits]]
[[File:D2_Kit.jpg|thumb|D2 Beetle from BotKits]]
[[File:Jolt Kit.jpg|thumb|Jolt! v1 Kit from Absolute Chaos Robotics]]
[[File:Jolt v2.1.png|thumb|Jolt! v2.1 Kit from Absolute Chaos Robotics]]
[[File:SSP Promo Pic.jpg|thumb|SSP Beetleweight Lifter Kit as seen at NHRL]]
[[File:SSP Promo Pic.jpg|thumb|SSP Beetleweight Lifter Kit as seen at NHRL]]
The [https://justcuzrobotics.com/shop/p/ssp-robot-kit SSP Lifter Kit] is a fantastic option for beginners as it has a lifter rather than a dangerous spinner, and at just 2.25 pounds for a base kit, it's easy to upgrade. The CAD files are available for free to make upgrades or print your own spares. It has a durable machined UHMW chassis and AR500 fork and wedge options.
The [https://justcuzrobotics.com/shop/p/ssp-robot-kit SSP Lifter Kit] is a fantastic option for beginners as it has a lifter rather than a dangerous spinner, and at just 2.25 pounds for a base kit, it's easy to upgrade. The CAD files are available for free to make upgrades or print your own spares. It has a durable machined UHMW chassis and AR500 fork and wedge options. <br />
The '''[https://itgresa.com/product/beetleweight-chassis-kit-black-frost/ Black Frost]''' chassis kit is a great way to start off with a beetleweight robot.<br />
The '''[https://itgresa.com/product/beetleweight-chassis-kit-black-frost/ Black Frost]''' chassis kit is a great way to start off with a beetleweight robot.<br />
The '''[https://www.botkits.com/collections/combat-robot-kits/products/d2-combat-robot D2]''' kit features a durable titanium wedge and CNC milled aluminum frame, and has won many events. Some builders don't like this kit because it is so competitive but it takes hours of practice to learn how to drive it well.<br />
The '''[https://www.botkits.com/collections/combat-robot-kits/products/d2-combat-robot D2]''' kit features a durable titanium wedge and CNC milled aluminum frame, and has won many events. Some builders don't like this kit because it is so competitive but it takes hours of practice to learn how to drive it well.<br />
The '''[https://www.botkits.com/collections/combat-robot-kits/products/mw1-combat-robot-chassis-kit MW1]''' kit is basically half a D2 kit, having only drive wheels and a billet aluminum frame, and is intended for advanced builders who want to add their own weapons and who have the facilities to mill the frame to their requirements. <br />
The '''[https://www.botkits.com/collections/combat-robot-kits/products/mw1-combat-robot-chassis-kit MW1]''' kit is basically half a D2 kit, having only drive wheels and a billet aluminum frame, and is intended for advanced builders who want to add their own weapons and who have the facilities to mill the frame to their requirements. <br />
The '''[https://kitbots.com/product.sc?productId=19&categoryId=1 Weta]''' drum bot kit is a classic design with protected wheels for more advanced builders who are ready for an active weapon.<br />
The '''[https://kitbots.com/shop/ols/products/weta-x-beetleweight Weta]''' drum bot kit is a classic design with protected wheels for more advanced builders who are ready for an active weapon.<br />
The '''[https://www.endbots.com/products/vector-beetleweight-kit Vector]'''<sup>Link dead 2023-03</sup> kit has a powerful horizontal spinner. This kit and website have been discontinued.<br />
The '''[https://www.endbots.com/products/vector-beetleweight-kit Vector]'''<sup>Link dead 2023-03</sup> kit has a powerful horizontal spinner. This kit and website have been discontinued.<br />
The '''[https://absolutechaosrobotics.bigcartel.com/product/jolt-3lb-combat-robot-kit Jolt! V2]''' kit is an updated 4WD version of the powerful undercutting disk spinner design for intermediate kit builders.<br />
The '''[https://absolutechaosrobotics.bigcartel.com/product/jolt-3lb-combat-robot-kit Jolt! V2]''' kit is an updated 4WD version of the powerful undercutting disk spinner design for intermediate kit builders.<br />

Latest revision as of 05:24, 13 January 2025

Robot Combat Kits

Many people don't have the fabrication or design experience to make a robot on their own, so starting out with a pre-designed kit is a great way to get into the sport. Check out your local events to see what weight-classes are supported. Make sure you know what is included in your kit; radios, batteries, or battery chargers are often optional items.

FingerTech Viper Antweight with Flipper option

150g Kits

The Bristol Bot Builders kit has the parts you'll need to get started but you'll need to make your own chassis.
Nuts and Bots 150g kits come in three flavors, a wedge, a flipper and a grabber. These kits are underweight giving you room to add armor or to customize them.
Turnabot has several 3D printed non-destructive robots with lifters and grabbers. The kits come as parts that you can put together yourself, or fully assembled at extra cost. Slipper, a Lifter. Squeezy, a Horizontal Grabber. Santis and Slammer are Lifter/grabber bots with carry and suplex attacks.

1lb Kits

The Antweight Horizontal Spinner Kit by Combat Robot Kits is a simple Tombstone-style kit. A good option for builders looking to upgrade to an active weapon robot at a reasonable price.
The Antweight Starter Kit by Combat Robot Kits has all the working parts for an antweight combat robot; build your own chassis to go with this affordable partial kit.
The Baby Nautiloid is a 2 wheel drive vertical spinner kit.
The Betz Botz NE2.7 is durable wedge robot.
The FingerTech Viper is a popular starting place. Operate as a wedge, or use the lifter, vertical spinner, or horizontal spinner add-ons which make it a great expandable option for new builders.
The Candy Wasp antweight kit from BotKits.com isn't as flexible as the viper kit but it is super durable and more likely to survive a competition.
The Hellraiser is a well built drum kit but is for more intermediate builders.
The Lobotomy kit has an effective undercutter but is for intermediate builders.
The Phantom Antweight Starter Kit antweight kit is an affordable choice.
The Phantom Horizontal Spinner Kit Proven and user friendly antweight horizontal spinner kit.
The Saifu drum bot kit is for more advanced builders and has won many events. This is a great choice for builders who want a kit robot with a powerful weapon.
The Taserface kit has a powerful vertical disk and is a good choice for intermediate builders who want a weapon bot.
The Synthwave kit is a 4WD dual disk vertical spinner with a lot of style designed for intermediate kit builders.

1lb Plastic Ant Kits

These are designed for Plastic Ant class competitions. Using a 3D printer, you can print replacement parts using the files provided.

The Palm Beach Dead Shaft Delight kit is an all plastic drum spinner.
Also available is Plastic Poison, a horizontal undercutter spinner bot.
The Palm Beach Super Scooper kit lets you build a lifter.
Try the Team Malice SCAR Kit kit offers ant-ready electronics. Join the chat community to learn more about the variety of printable bot options being developed.

3lb Kits

D2 Beetle from BotKits
Jolt! v2.1 Kit from Absolute Chaos Robotics
SSP Beetleweight Lifter Kit as seen at NHRL

The SSP Lifter Kit is a fantastic option for beginners as it has a lifter rather than a dangerous spinner, and at just 2.25 pounds for a base kit, it's easy to upgrade. The CAD files are available for free to make upgrades or print your own spares. It has a durable machined UHMW chassis and AR500 fork and wedge options.
The Black Frost chassis kit is a great way to start off with a beetleweight robot.
The D2 kit features a durable titanium wedge and CNC milled aluminum frame, and has won many events. Some builders don't like this kit because it is so competitive but it takes hours of practice to learn how to drive it well.
The MW1 kit is basically half a D2 kit, having only drive wheels and a billet aluminum frame, and is intended for advanced builders who want to add their own weapons and who have the facilities to mill the frame to their requirements.
The Weta drum bot kit is a classic design with protected wheels for more advanced builders who are ready for an active weapon.
The VectorLink dead 2023-03 kit has a powerful horizontal spinner. This kit and website have been discontinued.
The Jolt! V2 kit is an updated 4WD version of the powerful undercutting disk spinner design for intermediate kit builders.
The Team OgreKill "DONKEY" kit is a solidly built wedge with a powerful brushless drive system.
Smeetleweight is a fun version of the popular bot Smeeeee!
The FingerTech Beater Bundle offers a menu of materials to make a beater bar bot, but leaves it to the builder to cut and shape the materials to make the frame.
Peter Bar Kit is a highly destructive and successful vertical spinner design, recommended for experienced builders.
The pricey Exile kit has a tool steel drum spinner and one-piece billet aluminum frame.

Bigger Robot Kits

BattleKits aren't fully functional kits but are drive platforms for larger robots ranging from sixty pound lightweights to two hundred fifty pound Battlebots. You'll need to fashion your own wedge or weapon to make these bots ready for combat.